Tuesday, June 19, 2007

ICKY THUMP is Officially here...

To everyone who submitted me your lovely stories thank you so very much. Jack says it better than i ever could, "To the people who bought the records, and didn't let other's thoughts concern it, you are the ones who deserve your money back, if anyone, you've earned it, we're sorry that we're never thankful enough for our daily bread, and so sorry to anyone we didn't mention, or anyone else we've misled, and lastly you're welcome. to anyone who might've thanked us instead. you're welcome to anything we've got left in our head, it's more yours than it's ours, be it white, black, or red, if it chooses to come out, from now 'til we're dead."

The White Stripes- Album de la Semaine 1/5- Icky Thump

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